Installing Pandas
sudo apt - get install python - numpy cython This will install a fast numeric processing library (numpy) and a tool required in the pandas build process (cython). Test numpy Open up a Python prompt by running the following: python At the prompt, type the following: >>> import numpy >>> print numpy . __version__ You should see a number like "1.6.1" or higher. Test cython Open up a Python prompt by running the following: python At the prompt, type the following (capitalization matters!): >>> import Cython >>> print Cython . __version__ You should see a number like "0.15.1" or higher. Download pandas We recommend storing pandas in a directory called ''projects'' in your user directory. To do that, run the following commands: mkdir - p ~/ projects cd ~/ projects git clone https :// github . com / pydata / pandas . git cd pandas You will see git download pandas. Once the download finishes,...