Hy guys ,today I thought to clarify the straight forward diffference b/w c and cpp in terms of strings and conversion of cpp string into c char arrays which you will see in the upcoming lines........... C++ strinng: read one line getline() string a; getline(cin, a); cout << a << endl; Input::: Hello World!!! Output::::: Hello World!!! Convert to char array string cppstr = "this is a string"; char target[1024]; strcpy(target, cppstr.c_str()); 1.2.2 C String (Character Array) Input C String gets() Reads characters from the standard input (stdin) and stores them as a C string into str until a newline character or the end-of-file is reached. char s[12]; gets(s); cout << "\"" << s << "\"" << ", length: " << strlen(s) << endl; Input hello world new line Output "hello world", length: 11 Convert to C++ string char arrstr[] = "this is a s...